Candidate engagement platform

Communicate effectively and efficiently with the candidates that can drive your business forward.

About HRiQ

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Your Dream Jobs Are Waiting

Over 1 million interactions, 50,000 success stories Make yours now.

We partner for life, building meaningful relationships with our customers

We strive to deliver a customer experience like none other as we work to deliver exceptional value and, more importantly, confidence. We know our customers rely on our technology to support their teams, their unique business goals, and their employees for years beyond the initial purchase of our solutions. We also know that technology can only be as great as the people behind it.

A recognized leader of the pack

HRiQ is a leading provider of HR, payroll, and workforce management solutions for all people. But don't take our word for it: We are the only enterprise vendor ranked as a leader by all major analysts and peer review sites and have been recognized around the world for our workplace culture, innovative practices, and commitment to customer success.